Make A Difference …

Claremont Police Department has a long history of utilizing K9s to supplement the police force.  The City’s operating budget funds one dog.  In 2013, Keeping Good in the Neighborhood (KGNH), a community watch group within the City, funded the purchase of a K9 (“Luther”), expanding the police force’s K-9 team to two dogs.  Currently, the K-9 program is back to a one-dog program, with Drew, a scent-tracking bloodhound.  Claremont Police Foundation strives to obtain funding to purchase a second dog to once again enhance the program to a two-dog program.

CPD’s K-9 Program History

Mollog Von Siegenburg  w/ handler Corporal Mike Cushman

Breed: German Shepherd

Specialty: Suspect Apprehension

Years of Service: 1989 to 1996

“Dusty” w/ handler Corporal Randy Langton

Breed: German Shepherd

Specialty: Suspect Apprehension

Years of Service: 1997-1998

“Dodger” w/ handler Corporal Sean Evans

Breed: British Labrador

Specialty: Narcotics Detection

Years of Service: 2013-2021

“Luther” w/ handler Corporal Mike Snyder

Breed: Belgian Malinois

Specialty: Suspect apprehension and Explosives Detection

Years of Service: 2015 – 2020

“Drew”  w/ handler Corporal Matt Morales

Breed: Bloodhound

Specialty: Human Scent Detection

Years of Service: 2021- Current